Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wizard Wednesday - Movie Scenes I Would Love as Lego Sets [SPOILERS]

I am hot off the heals of having seen Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindlewald and I thought it was amazing and I can't wait for more. This being said, I wanted to bring to you on this inaugural Wizarding Wednesday, sets I would like to see based from scenes in this latest instalment.

1. Newt's Suitcase - FB:CoG Edition

The Zouwu is a giant, elephant-sized cat.
Image result for newts case lego

Left, is the existing suitcase Lego set. I think it would be amazing if, as there are five movies we got five doses of his wonderful animal caring case each one showing a different stage of his set up. People who collect planners have dashboards, people who collect Lego have rooms or tables dedicated to it. And Newt? he has his suitcase! I think a Lego rendition of the old Youtube 'what's in my bag' tag is in order RE: Newt Scamander and of course the pride and possibly only creature of FB:CoG other than fan-favourite (well, me) the Niffler (How could you not love the Niffler?) would be the Zouwu which I totally had to google, and is pictured, right. I know this isn't really a 'scene' from the movie, but the suitcase is as integral to Newt as the lightning-bolt scar and round glasses are to Harry Potter.

2. The Defence Against the Dark Arts with Younger Dumbledore

Image result for fantastic beasts defence against the dark arts scene
I think this would be a brilliant set for fans to acquire Mini Figures that open up avenues of customisation. Imagine, Dumbledore, Newt, Leta and then two or three students in their old-school Hogwarts attire one of whom maybe vaguely resembles the girl who was making slights at Leta (she has earned a spot in my heart - I feel for her) This would allow people to replace the faces and hair (and hands) with ones to make the Mini Figure look more like them - that way whatever Harry Potter sets they have they can if they so choose recreate the magic with their own Hogwarts self along side them. The set it's self would consist of a DAtDAs classroom style diorama, maybe a class that can be connected and added to the existing Hogwarts Lego sets in mini figure scale. Or, simply an expansion pack to allow one to refit an existing build's room out with the accoutrements of a DAtDAs classroom.

3. Newt's Magical Beast Hideaway.

Maybe I do have a soft spot for this particular boy wizard, being a Hufflepuff and all. And a softie when it comes to animals as well.  Anyway - there is a particular scene in FB:CoG in which a witch makes a comment about how they wouldn't want Leta to come home if she was related to them either, as she is staying at Hogwarts during an unspecified holiday. Leta casts a spell on this witch removing her mouth (temporarily) and a chase ensues where a number of students pursue LeStrange. Eventually she gives them the slip, and there is a pleasing scene where Leta can be seen out of sight of the girl she cast a spell on and an adult (Teacher or matron I do not know) who removes the spell from this girl only to replace it seconds later when the girl begins to complain about Leta. Leta proceeds from where she is up a staircase to reveal in a room a young Newt. In this room there are jars containing creatures and when Leta asks why he is not going home, he tells her it is because a baby crow needs him. This room, complete with young Leta, Newt and a selection of his little creatures not to mention that fledgling crow. I couldn't find a still of this scene or anything like it so enjoy this thing I found instead.

4. Nicholas Flamel's Workshop

Image result for nicolas flamel fantastic beasts
This is kind of a derivative set (if there is a better word then I do not know it). In that it's not the most iconic scene in the movie, but it would make for a good Lego set in the £13-£20 range. It could feature Mr Flamel, and Jacob with a nice confused print (he is kind of the Ron of this series and it is looking towards Queenie being the Wormtail because she has gone over to the dark side...) Anyway, a nice crystal ball piece some science flasks a book or two maybe a diorama style set up again (Think: the friends bedroom releases in 2018 but Wizarding World?)

5. Niffler Attack Pack

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I am only semi serious with this one. Picture this: a £8.99 set size box, you open it, inside is a bag in this bag are an assortment of adult and baby Nifflers and gold rings, those necklaces that come two on a plastic holder thing, a bunch of rock/diamond pieces, gold and silver cups goblets plates, the tiara pieces from the Friends and Disney Princess line, the micro figures in gold and silver, I am talking about the works. All of it. It costs £39.99 because it's a licensed set and there are a lot of niche pieces in there and you're bring spoilt as there are exactly 6 Nifflers and 10 babies it's a Niffler dynasty if they carry on you will have an army of Nifflers... or you would if Lego procreated but it doesn't... Anyway, this idea was inspired by the Star Wars battle packs. 

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